Daily Dialogues for Formal Greetings
1. Meeting Someone for the First Time: किसी से पहली बार मिलना Suresh: Good morning ...

Everyday Dialogues for Informal Greeting
1. Meeting a Friend: किसी मित्र से मिलना A: Hey, how's it going? A: अरे, कैसा चल रहा है? .....

Daily Dialogue for Formal Introductions
Dialogue 1: Meeting a New Colleague : एक नए सहकर्मी से मिलना A: Hello, I don't think we've .....

Daily Dialogues for Informal Introductions
Dialogue 1: Meeting a New Neighbor - एक नये पड़ोसी से मिलना A: Hey there! I noticed ...

Small Dialogue in English on Coincidences
Dialogue 1 - Meeting an Old Friend - किसी पुराने मित्र से मुलाकात A: "Hey, isn't that Jane ...

Basic English Conversation Dialogues on Weather
Dialogue 1: Talking About a Sunny Day - एक धूप वाले दिन के बारे में बात करना ...

English Conversation Dialogues for Ordering a Meal
Dialogue 1: Ordering at a Restaurant - एक रेस्तरां में ऑर्डर करना...

Dialogues for Asking Directions in English
Dialogue 1: Asking for Directions to a Landmark - एक ऐतिहासिक स्थल के लिए .. ....

Dialogue Examples: Ask for Help in Everyday Conversations
Dialogue 1: At a Supermarket - सुपरमार्केट में A: Excuse me, can you help ....

Class Meeting: Dialogues for Everyday Conversations
Dialogue 1 - Introducing Yourself: - अपना परिचय: Student 1: Hi, I'm [Your Name]. ...

Learn Conversations in English with Teacher Dialogues
1. Greeting:- नमस्कार Teacher: Good morning! शिक्षक: सुप्रभात! ...

Conversation at a Movie Ticket Counter
Customer: Hi, I'd like two tickets for the 7:00 PM show of "Movie Title," please. ग्राहक: नमस्ते, ........

Everyday Conversations in English at a Groceries Shop
Dialogue 1: Choosing Vegetables:- सब्जियाँ चुनना Customer: Good morning! Could you ...

Everyday Conversations in English at a Tailor Shop
Dialogue 1: Greeting and Inquiring About Services - अभिवादन करना और सेवाओं के बारे ...

Everyday Conversations with Parents in English
Morning Conversations:- सुबह की बातचीत: 1. Parent: Good morning, dear. ........

Everyday Conversations at Railway Platform in English
Dialogue 1: Buying Tickets - टिकट ख़रीदना Person A: Excuse me, where can I buy a ticket? ...

Common Dialogues: Everyday Conversations at a Hotel
1. Check-In: चेक-इन Guest: Hi, I have a reservation under the name ...

Common Dialogues: Everyday Conversations at a Restaurant
1. Ordering Food: खाना ऑर्डर करना Customer: Good evening. Table for two, please.. ........

Common Dialogues: Everyday Conversations at a Bank
1. Opening a Bank Account:- बैंक खाता खोलना Customer: Good morning. I'd like to .........

Common Dialogues: Everyday Conversations at a Library
1. Borrowing a Book: किताब उधार लेना Student: Excuse me, could you help ...

Everyday Conversations: When taking the bus in English
Dialogue 1: Asking About the Bus Route - बस रूट के बारे में पूछना . ........

Everyday Conversations while Shopping in English
1. At a Clothing Store:- कपड़े की दुकान पर Customer: Excuse me .........

Everyday Conversations for daily life in English
1. Greeting a Friend:- किसी मित्र का अभिवादन A: Hey there! How's it going? ...

Everyday Conversations related to Dating in English
1. Meeting Someone New: - किसी नये व्यक्ति से मिलना Person A: Hi, I'm [Name]. . ........

Everyday Conversations Related to Food in English
1. Ordering at a Restaurant: - रेस्तरां में ऑर्डर करना Customer: Good evening! Can we haveme .........

Everyday Conversations Related to College Life in English
1. Meeting a Classmate: - किसी सहपाठी से मिलना A: Hey, are you in Professor ...

Everyday Conversations Related to Health in English
1. At the Doctor's Office:- डॉक्टर के कार्यालय में Patient: Hi, I've been feeling ........

Everyday Conversations Related to Travel in English
Dialogue 1: Booking a Flight Ticket:- फ्लाइट टिकट बुक करना Person A: Hi, I'm planning a trip to .........

Everyday Conversations Related to Employment in English
1. Job Application: - नौकरी के लिए आवेदन Person A: Hi, I'm interested in applying ...

Everyday Conversations about Buying a Car in English
1. Inquiring About Car Options: - कार विकल्पों के बारे में पूछताछ Person A: Hi, I'm interested ........

Everyday Conversations about Driving Car in English
Dialogue 1: At the Car Rental - कार रेंटल पर Person A: Good morning! I'd like to rent a car for .........

Conversations Related to Renting an Apartment
Dialogue: Renting an Apartment - अपार्टमेंट किराए पर लेना Person A (Renter): Hi, I'm interested ...

Dialogues for Everyday Conversations on Buying Clothes
Dialogue 1: Shopping for Clothes - कपड़ों की खरीदारी Customer: Good morning! ........