English Speaking
Self Introduction in Hindi and English
Q1. What is your name? Q1. आपका क्या नाम है? A1. My name is Rakesh Sharma. A1. मेरा नाम राकेश शर्मा है। ....

English Speaking
45 Likings and Disliking - English Speaking Practice in Hindi and English
Q1. What is your favourite festival? Q1. आपका पसंदीदा त्यौहार कौन सा है? A1: My favourite festival is Diwali....

English Speaking
Days and Months – English Speaking Practice in Hindi and English.
Q1. How many days are there in a week? Q1. एक सप्ताह में कितने दिन होते हैं? Answer: There are seven days in a week....

English Speaking
India - English Speaking Practice in Hindi and English.
Q1: What is the capital city of India? Q1: भारत की राजधानी क्या है? A1: The capital city of India is New Delhi.....

English Speaking
Friendship - English Speaking Practice in Hindi and English
Q1. What is friendship? Q1. दोस्ती क्या है? A1. Friendship is a close relationship between two people. ....

English Speaking
English Speaking Practice through Ramayana in Hindi
Q1. What is Ramayana? Q1. रामायण क्या है? A1. Ramayana is one of the major ancient Indian epic poems. ...

English Speaking
English Speaking Practice through Mahabharata in Hindi and English
Q1. What is Mahabharat? Q1. महाभारत क्या है? A1. Mahabharata is one of the majo.....

English Speaking
English Speaking Practice through Computer in Hindi and English
Q1. What is computer? Q1. कंप्यूटर क्या है? A1. A computer is an electronic device that can perform various ...

English Speaking
English Speaking Practice through Movies in Hindi and English
Q1. Which was the first movie produced in India? Q1. भारत में निर्मित पहली फिल्म कौन सी थी? A1. The first movie produced in India was ....

English Speaking
English Speaking Practice through Mobile in Hindi and English
Q1. What is a mobile phone? Q1. मोबाइल फोन क्या है? A1. A mobile phone, also known as a cell phone or smartphone, .....

English Speaking
English Speaking Practice through Indian Railways in Hindi and English
Q1. When was the first railway line in India established? Q1. भारत में पहली रेलवे लाइन कब स्थापित की गई थी? A1. The first railway line ...

English Speaking
English Speaking Practice through Indian Schools in Hindi and English
Q1. How many years of compulsory education are there in Indian schools? Q1. भारतीय विद्यालयों में कितने वर्ष की अनिवार्य शिक्षा होती है? A1. In India, the ....

English Speaking
English Speaking Practice through Books in Hindi and English
Q1. What was the last book you read, and did you enjoy it? Q1. आपने आखिरी किताब कौन सी पढ़ी थी और क्या आपने उसका आनंद उठाया था? A1. The last book I read was .....

English Speaking
English Speaking Practice through Indian Banks in Hindi and English
Q1. What are the major types of banks in India? Q1. भारत में प्रमुख प्रकार के बैंक कौन से हैं? A1. The major types of banks in India are: ...

English Speaking
English Speaking Practice through Indian Teacher in Hindi and English
Q1. What qualities do you admire most in Indian teachers? Q1. आप भारतीय शिक्षकों में किन गुणों की सबसे अधिक प्रशंसा करते हैं? A1. The qualities I admire most in ....

English Speaking
English Speaking Practice through Indian Cricket in Hindi and English
Q1. Who is the current captain of the Indian cricket team? Q1. भारतीय क्रिकेट टीम के वर्तमान कप्तान कौन हैं? A1. As of my knowledge cutoff .....

English Speaking
English Speaking Practice through Diwali in Hindi and English
Q1. What is the significance of Diwali in Hindu culture? Q1. हिंदू संस्कृति में दिवाली का क्या महत्व है? A1. Diwali holds great significance ...

English Speaking
English Speaking Practice through Holi in Hindi and English
Q1. What is Holi, and what is its significance in Hindu mythology? Q1. होली क्या है और हिंदू पौराणिक कथाओं में इसका क्या महत्व है? A1. Holi is a vibrant and joyous Hindu ....