English me letter kaise likhe
जीवन में कई मोके एते हे की हमें letter लिखना पड़ता हे और अगर हमें letter लिखना नहीं आता तो हमें अच्छा मह्सुश नहीं होता हे या तो हम दुसरो से लिखने की सोचते हे। जो की हर समाये possible नहीं हे।
इस Article में हम शिखे गे की किस तरह से हम easy way में letter लिखना सिख सकते हे। किसी भी तरीके का letter आ जाये हमें कभी कोई मुश्किल न हो।
जैश की हमारे north India में English or Hindi दोनों चलती हे तो ऐश भी हो सकता हे की दो नो लैंग्वेज में आपको Letter लिखना पड़े तो जो format में आपको English में शिखा रहा हु आप उसे Hindi में लिख सकते हे ये दोनों के लिए इस्तमाल हो सकता हे।
तो चलिए खुछ बेसिक चीजे जानते हे letter लिखने के लिए।
दो तरह के letter होते हे पहला formal letter और दूसरा informal letter.
Formal Letter में हमें जब जरुरत होती हे तब हम आपने friends , family, relatives के आलावा किसी को भी letter लिखते हे। और informal letter जब हम अपनी family को letter लिखना होता हे।
चलिए जानते हे की कितने प्रकार का letter होते हे जो की formal और informal में हम लिख सकते हे।
Formal Letter
- Business Letter: इस प्रकार के letter में formal बात चित करते हे किसी organization , company, या किसी वेक्ति के साथ। इस में कई तरह के letter होते हे जैसे inquiry, job letters, complaint letters, इतियादी।
- Job Letter: इस तरह के letter job के लिए apply करते time भेजा जाता हे या Resume भी हम भेज सकते हे। इस तरह के Letter से हमें job करने का interest दिखाते हे और अपना परिचय , qualification or experience दिखाते हे।
- Resignation Letter: इस तरह के letter हम job छोड़ते समय लिखते he जिस से HR आपको notice period serve करने को बोल सकती हे।
- Reference Letter: इस तरह के letter वो लिखता हे जो पहले से आपको जनता है। और आप को किसी वेक्ति को job के लिए recommend करते है और या स्कूल, इंस्टिट्यूट, कॉलेज, के लिए भी हो सकता है।
- Thank You Letter: आप thank you letter भेजते जब किसी ने आपकी help की हो कोई opportunity दी हो।
- Complaint Letter: अगर आप को किसी के product और services से दिकत है तब आप इस तरह के letter को लिखते हो .
- Inquiry Letter: इस तरह का letter आप लिखते हो जब आपको information, clarification चाहिए किसी product या service के बारे में या job opportunity के बारे में और किसी topic पे।
- Sales Letter: जब आप को अपने product और service को बेचना हो तो तब आप इस तरह की letter लिखते हे की आप की sales भड़ सके ।
- Acknowledgment Letter: इस तरह का letter जब लिखा जाता हे तब आप को payment, document receive हो गई हे और उसके कन्फोर्मशन के लिए या letter बेजा जाता हे।
Informal Letter
1. Personal Letter: इस तरह का letter हम Family, friends, relatives को भेजते हे।
Formal or informal ( कुछ letter दोनों प्रकार के हो सकते हे , जैसे . )
- Thank You Letter
- Invitation Letter
- Legal Letter
चलिए जानते हे की बेसिक डिफरेंस क्या होता है formal और informal letter में
Formal Letter:
- Formal letter अधिकतर official, professional, या serious communication के लिए लिखा जाता हे।
- Formal letter उसको लिखा जाता हे जिस को आप पहले से जानते ही नहीं निजी तोर पे जैसे employers, government officials, businesses, और institutions.
- इस तरह के letter में भाषा का बहुत धियान दिया जाता हे। जिस में भाषा पोलाइट , respectful, होती हे or grammar rules का follow किया jata he.
- Formal letter आमतौर पे
"Dear Sir/Madam,"
"To Whom It May Concern,"
("Dear Dr. Smith") से शुरुआत की जाती हे। - जब हम letter को close करते हे तब हम ये words इस्तमाल करते हे। "Sincerely," "Yours faithfully," "Yours truly," और "Respectfully."
Informal Letter:
- Informal letters friends, family members, या परचितो को लिखा जाता हे। इस letter में हम कोई नाइ सुचना , भावना , निजी अनुभवों को share करते हे।
- Informal letters में भाष साधारण बोल चल वाली हो सकती हे और अगर grammar भी थोड़ी मिस्टेक हुई तो कभी कभार चल सकता हे।
- Informal letters अक्सर दो या तीन तरीके से start हो सकती हे जैसे "Dear [Name]," "Hi [Name]," और कभी कभार name से भी start किया जा सकता हे।
- Letter को बंद करते समये हम "Love," "Take care," "Best wishes," भी लिख सकते हे।
चलिए अब हम दोनों types के letter को जानते हे। कुछ उदहारण थोड़े difference रह सकते हे। बाकि format same रहेगा इसलिए यदि आप format को अछे से सिख ले तो बाकि के letter आप आसानी से लिख सकते हे।
Your Name
Your Address
City, State, Zip Code
Email Address
Phone Number
Recipient's Name
Recipient's Designation
Company or Organization Name
Company Address
City, State, Zip Code
Dear Mr. Johnson,
Step1. Starting the letter.
जब आप letter start करते हो तो आप start कर सकते हो “I hope this letter finds you in good health.” या “I hope this letter finds you well” इसके बाद अगर आप चाहे तो आप small introduction दे सकते हे जो की optional हे जैसे “My name is Rakesh, and I am a resident of D1 – Vasant Kunj, Delhi.”
इसके बाद हमें purpose of letter के बारे में बताना हे। Letter के हिसाब से वो change हो सकता हे थोड़ा सा जैसे की कुछ लाइन्स को हम देखते हे।
- I am writing to bring to your attention (complain letter.)
- I am writing to express my strong interest in the position of Computer Engineer (jobs)
- I am writing to place an order (order)
- I am writing as a concerned resident of Mahipalpur, (Request letter)
आप start कर सकते हे “I am writing” or उसके बाद आपने purpose को बताते है।
इसके बाद detail में आप problem को describe करे
इसके बाद हमें request करना हे की जिसको हम letter लिख रहे हे वो कोई action ले।
उसके लिए हमें कैसे लिखना हे उसके बारे में जानते हे।
- Therefore, I kindly request an interview to further explore how my qualifications align with your school's needs. (jobs)
- We earnestly request your prompt attention to this matter to alleviate the suffering of the residents and protect our environment. (complain letter)
- Please let me know the most convenient time for me to visit your store or any other steps I need to take to initiate the resolution process. (complain letter)
इश्के बाद हमारा thanks का लाइन आता हे हम चाहे तो thanks लिख कर भी छोड़ सकते हे or सबसे अछा होगा की thanks के बाद कुछ लिखे जो की reason हो सकता हे की आप क्यों thanks लिख रहे हो।
चलिए कुछ example से जानते हे।
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. (complain)
Thank you for your attention to this pressing matter, and we look forward to a swift and effective resolution. (complain )
Thank you for your cooperation, (order)
Thank you for your attention. (job)
Thank you for your time and consideration
लास्ट में हम अपना name or अपना आभार दिखाने के लिए words का इस्तमाल करते है जो की formal और informal letter में अलग अलग हो सकते हे।
- Yours faithfully: ये आमतौर पे जब इस्तमाल होता हे जब आप जिसको letter लिख रहे हो उसको निजी तोर पे नहीं जानते हो।
- Kind regards: ये एक पोलाइट और professional तरीका हे letter को close करने का।
- Best regards: "Kind regards” की ही तरह ये भी एक polite तरीका हे letter को close करने का। .
- Yours truly: एक classic तरीका formal letters को close करने का।
- Respectfully: Respect और formality को बताने के लिए ।
informal letters को close करने के लिए हम relationship क्या हे उस वेक्ति के साथ उसके हिसाब से हम इन मेसे कुछ भी इस्तमाल कर सकते हे।
- Best wishes: friendly closing के लिए सूटेबल हे।
- Warm regards: "Best wishes." से ये थोड़ा और personal वाले लोगो के लिए उसे कर सकते हे।
- Take care: जब आप को caring and friendly तरीके से letter को बंद करना हे और आप को, इसका उपयोग अक्सर तब किया जाता है जब आप चिंता व्यक्त करना चाहते हैं।
- With love: ये इस्तमाल होता हे close friends और family members के लिए।
- Cheers: ये casual और friendly way में लिखा छठा हे और अधिकतर friends के बिच में ये ज्यादा इस्तमाल होता हे।
- All the best: Letter पाने वाले को friendly तरीके से wish करने के लिए ये word use होता हे।
अभी हमने formal letter के बारे में जाना की उसका format क्या हे अभी हम जाने गे उसके examples के बारे में ।
उसके बाद हम informal letter के बारे में जाने गे तो अब में आप को खुश example से letter के बारे मे मै बताने वाला हु।
1. Application for English Teacher Position
Rakesh Sharma
Vasant Kunj, New Delhi
Delhi, 110070
12 August, 2023
Sumit Singh
DAV Public School
D – 1 Vasant Kunj.
Delhi, 110070
Subject: Application for English Teacher Position
Dear [Sumit Singh],
(Start your letter)
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my strong interest in the English Teacher position at [School Name], as advertised on the Indeed platform. With three years of experience teaching English and a passion for fostering students' language skills, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your esteemed institution. In my previous role as an English Teacher at [Previous School Name], I had the privilege of working with a diverse group of students, ranging from middle school to high school. During my tenure, I developed effective teaching strategies to engage students in meaningful learning experiences. I am skilled in creating a dynamic and inclusive classroom environment that encourages active participation and critical thinking.
(Tell about something your previous jobs)
My approach to teaching English emphasizes not only language proficiency but also a deep appreciation for literature, culture, and effective communication. I believe in tailoring lessons to individual learning styles and needs, ensuring that each student reaches their full potential. Moreover, I have experience in designing and implementing curriculum enhancements, including language development programs and extracurricular activities.
(Tell them how you can)
I am excited about the prospect of joining [School Name], known for its commitment to academic excellence and fostering a supportive learning environment. I am confident that my dedication to students' growth and my ability to inspire a love for English language and literature align well with your school's mission and values.
I would welcome the opportunity to discuss how my teaching experience, dedication, and passion for English education could contribute to the success of [School Name].
(Request to take action)
Therefore, I kindly request an interview to further explore how my qualifications align with your school's needs. Please find my attached resume for your reference.
(Say thanks to them and give them contact details)
Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of contributing to the educational excellence of [School Name]. You can reach me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address] to schedule an interview at your convenience.
Rakesh Sharma
2. Write a job letter, My name is Mukesh Sharma I am English Teacher in School, I live in vasant Kunj New Delhi. I have 3 years of experience of teach English to the students. I saw their ads on indeed platform. Ask for an interview.
[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
[Your Email Address]
[Today's Date]
[Employer's Name]
[School Name]
[School Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
Dear [Employer's Name],
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my strong interest in the English Teacher position at [School Name], as advertised on the Indeed platform. With three years of experience teaching English and a passion for fostering students' language skills, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your esteemed institution.In my previous role as an English Teacher at [Previous School Name], I had the privilege of working with a diverse group of students, ranging from middle school to high school. During my tenure, I developed effective teaching strategies to engage students in meaningful learning experiences. I am skilled in creating a dynamic and inclusive classroom environment that encourages active participation and critical thinking.
My approach to teaching English emphasizes not only language proficiency but also a deep appreciation for literature, culture, and effective communication. I believe in tailoring lessons to individual learning styles and needs, ensuring that each student reaches their full potential. Moreover, I have experience in designing and implementing curriculum enhancements, including language development programs and extracurricular activities.
I am excited about the prospect of joining [School Name], known for its commitment to academic excellence and fostering a supportive learning environment. I am confident that my dedication to students' growth and my ability to inspire a love for English language and literature align well with your school's mission and values.
I would welcome the opportunity to discuss how my teaching experience, dedication, and passion for English education could contribute to the success of [School Name]. I kindly request an interview to further explore how my qualifications align with your school's needs. Please find my attached resume for your reference.
Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of contributing to the educational excellence of [School Name]. You can reach me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address] to schedule an interview at your convenience.
Mukesh Sharma
3. You are Rakesh Residing at 1140, Vasant Kunj, and Delhi. Write a letter to the secretary of the SAI (Sport Authority of India) Delhi, requesting him/ her for sending the details regarding the sports scholarships that are available for the students.
[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
[Your Email Address]
[Today's Date]
[Secretary's Name] Sport Authority of India (SAI)
[SAI Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
Subject: Request for Information on Sports Scholarships
Dear [Secretary's Name],
I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Rakesh, and I am a resident of Vasant Kunj in Delhi. I am writing to you with a strong passion for sports and a keen interest in pursuing a sports scholarship through the Sport Authority of India.
I have heard about the commendable work that SAI does in promoting sports and nurturing young talents, and I am eager to explore the opportunities available for students like me. Sports have been an integral part of my life, and I believe that a sports scholarship would not only aid in my academic pursuits but also allow me to excel in my chosen field.
I kindly request you to provide me with detailed information regarding the sports scholarships offered by SAI for students. This information would be instrumental in helping me understand the application process, eligibility criteria, and deadlines.
Additionally, if there are any upcoming trials or events related to these scholarships, I would appreciate it if you could provide me with the relevant dates and venues.
I am dedicated to achieving excellence in sports, and I believe that SAI can play a pivotal role in shaping my future in this field. I am ready to put in the hard work and commitment required to make the most of this opportunity.
Please find enclosed my contact information for your convenience. I am available at [Your Phone Number] and [Your Email Address]. I am eagerly looking forward to your response and guidance on how to proceed further.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
[Your Full Name]
[Enclosures: Contact Information]
(Complain Letter)
4. You are Rakesh. You live in D1 – Vasant Kunj, Delhi. Near your locality there is a pond into which all the drains of the nearby localities bring filth and garbage. This has resulted in a terrible stink all around the areas. Moreover, because of the stagnant water, mosquitoes and flies breed there, making it a big health hazard. Write a letter drawing the attention of the Municipal authorities to this and requesting them for a solution.
D1 – Vasant Kunj, Delhi
[Your Email Address]
[Today's Date]
The Municipal Commissioner,
[Address of Municipal Office]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
Subject: Urgent Action Required to Address Pond Pollution
Respected Sir/Madam,
I hope this letter finds you in good health. My name is Rakesh, and I am a resident of D1 – Vasant Kunj, Delhi. I am writing to bring to your attention a pressing issue that has been affecting the well-being of the residents in our locality.
Near our area, there is a pond that serves as a common point for the drainage systems of several nearby localities. Unfortunately, over time, this pond has become a repository for filth, garbage, and other waste materials. The consequences of this pollution are now having a severe impact on our community.
One of the most distressing problems is the unbearable stench that has enveloped the entire vicinity. The foul odor emanating from the polluted pond has made it nearly impossible for residents to enjoy the outdoor spaces and even the comfort of their homes. Additionally, the stagnant water in the pond has become a breeding ground for mosquitoes and flies, posing a significant health hazard to the people living in the area.
We, the residents of D1 – Vasant Kunj, are deeply concerned about the deteriorating environment and the potential health risks associated with the pollution of this pond. We believe that immediate action is required to rectify this situation and restore the cleanliness and hygiene of our locality.
In light of the above, we kindly request the Municipal authorities to intervene and take the necessary measures to address this issue. We propose the following actions:
- Regular cleaning and desilting of the pond to remove accumulated waste and sludge.
- Installation of a proper drainage system that prevents further pollution from entering the pond.
- Mosquito and pest control measures to mitigate the health risks.
We are willing to cooperate with the authorities in any way possible to ensure the successful resolution of this problem. Our community believes that a clean and healthy environment is our right, and we look forward to your support in achieving this.
Thank you for considering our request. We eagerly anticipate your positive response and action on this matter.
Rakesh [Your Contact Number]
5. You are Deepa. A resident of house no 205, Hari Nagar, Delhi. Two months before you purchased a “Samsung Mobile” from M/S Mobile planet world, District centre Peeragarhi, Delhi. Now you find that 2-3 digit of the keypad are defective. Write a letter complaining about the same.
House No. 205, Hari Nagar, Delhi
[Your Email Address]
[Today's Date]
The Manager,
M/S Mobile Planet World,
District Centre,
Delhi - 110087
Subject: Complaint about Defective Samsung Mobile Keypad (Model XYZ)
Dear Sir/Madam,
I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Deepa, and I am writing to express my dissatisfaction regarding a recent purchase I made at your store, M/S Mobile Planet World, located in District Centre, Peeragarhi, Delhi.
Approximately two months ago, I purchased a Samsung Mobile with the model name "XYZ" from your store. At the time of purchase, I was excited about the features and performance of the device. However, I regret to inform you that I have encountered a significant issue with the product.
The problem I am facing is related to the keypad of the mobile. Unfortunately, 2-3 digits of the keypad have become defective, making it extremely inconvenient for me to use the device for various tasks, including texting and dialing numbers. This issue has affected my daily communication and productivity, and I believe it is not in line with the quality I expected from a reputed brand like Samsung.
I have taken good care of the mobile and have not exposed it to any physical damage or adverse conditions that could have caused this malfunction. Therefore, I believe this issue should be covered under the warranty provided by Samsung for their products.
I kindly request you to take prompt action to resolve this matter. I am willing to visit your store to demonstrate the issue and seek assistance in repairing or replacing the defective keypad. As a customer, I value the quality and service associated with your brand, and I hope that this issue can be resolved to my satisfaction.
Please let me know the most convenient time for me to visit your store or any other steps I need to take to initiate the resolution process. I am attaching a copy of the purchase receipt for your reference.
I trust that your team will address my concern promptly, ensuring that I can once again enjoy the full functionality of my Samsung Mobile without any defects. Your prompt attention to this matter will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Deepa [Your Contact Number]
(Letter to the Editor)
6. You are Kiran Staying at Mahipalpur, T. R Road, Delhi. The main road leading to this colony has many path-holes causing frequent accidents. The condition even worsens during the rainy season. Write a letter to the editor of the times of India drawing attention of the government towards this problem of the residents.
[Your Address]
[City, State]
[Today's Date]
The Editor,
The Times of India,
[Editor's Address]
[City, State]
Subject: Urgent Attention Needed: Repair of Hazardous Potholes on Mahipalpur, T. R Road
Dear Sir/Madam,
I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing as a concerned resident of Mahipalpur, specifically residing on T. R Road. Through the esteemed columns of your newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the government authorities to a pressing issue that has been affecting the safety and well-being of our community.
The main road leading to our colony, Mahipalpur, has become a cause for grave concern among the residents. It has been riddled with numerous potholes for an extended period, making the daily commute a hazardous experience for all. Unfortunately, this problem escalates during the rainy season when these potholes become filled with rainwater, further concealing the dangers they pose.
These potholes have led to frequent accidents, causing damage to vehicles and, more importantly, putting the lives of commuters at risk. The situation has reached a point where pedestrians and drivers alike fear for their safety while navigating this road. Despite numerous complaints from residents, the issue remains unresolved.
I urge the concerned government authorities to take immediate action to address this critical problem. Repairing and maintaining the main road leading to Mahipalpur should be a top priority, especially considering the safety of the residents. Timely repairs will not only prevent accidents and vehicle damage but also enhance the overall quality of life for those living in this area.
I kindly request that you use your esteemed platform to bring this matter to the attention of the relevant government departments and officials responsible for road maintenance. Our hope is that they will expedite the necessary repairs and ensure that this road is safe for all residents and commuters.
We, the residents of Mahipalpur, have faith in the ability of our government to address and rectify this issue promptly. Your assistance in shedding light on this matter is greatly appreciated, and we trust that our concerns will be heard and acted upon.
Thank you for your attention to this pressing matter, and we look forward to a swift and effective resolution.
Kiran [Your Contact Information]
(Placing an order)
7. As librarian of MS Senior secondary School. Delhi. Write a letter to Mr. Bookseller, Kanpur placing order for books on computer maths, English. For use of students and the staff. Also give details regarding the mode of despatch and payment.
[Your Name]
Librarian MS Senior Secondary School
[School Address]
[Today's Date]
Mr. Bookseller
[Bookstore Name] Kanpur
Subject: Purchase Order for Educational Books
Dear Mr. Bookseller,
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to place an order on behalf of MS Senior Secondary School, Delhi, for a selection of educational books that will be used by our students and staff to enhance their learning and teaching experience.
We have identified a need for books in the following subjects:
1. Computer Science
2. Mathematics
3. English
The books we require should be tailored to the academic curriculum of our school, with a focus on providing comprehensive and up-to-date content that aligns with the educational standards and requirements of our students.
Please find below the list of specific titles and quantities we would like to order:
1. Computer Science:
• Title 1: [Specify Title] - [Quantity]
• Title 2: [Specify Title] - [Quantity]
2. Mathematics:
• Title 1: [Specify Title] - [Quantity]
• Title 2: [Specify Title] - [Quantity]
3. English:
• Title 1: [Specify Title] - [Quantity]
• Title 2: [Specify Title] - [Quantity]
Please provide us with the total cost estimate for this order, including any applicable taxes or shipping fees. We kindly request that you offer competitive pricing, as we aim to make quality educational resources accessible to our students.
Regarding the mode of dispatch and payment, please consider the following:
• Dispatch: We prefer the most reliable and efficient shipping method available. Kindly arrange for safe and timely delivery to our school address.
• Payment: We will make the payment via [Payment Method], as per the mutually agreed terms and conditions. Please provide detailed information on your payment process, including any banking details or invoices required for processing the payment.
We aim to receive the ordered books at the earliest convenience to ensure they are available for our students and staff. Therefore, we request that you expedite the processing and dispatch of this order.
Your prompt attention to this matter is greatly appreciated. We look forward to receiving the books and strengthening our partnership for the benefit of our school community.
Thank you for your cooperation, and please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further information or clarification.
[Your Name]
Librarian MS Senior Secondary School
[Contact Information]
Application for Jobs
8. You are Vikash residing at Palmpur road Kolkata. You have come across and advertisement in “The Hindu” for recruitment of computer engineer trainees by Satyam software, Pali road, Hyderabd. Apply in response to this advertisement, giving your curriculum vita (Resume).
Vikash Kumar
[Your Address]
Palmpur Road
[Today's Date]
HR Manager
Satyam Software
Pali Road
Subject: Application for the Position of Computer Engineer Trainee
Dear HR Manager,
I am writing to express my strong interest in the position of Computer Engineer Trainee, as advertised in "The Hindu" dated [Advertisement Date]. I have reviewed the requirements of the role and believe that my skills and educational background make me a strong candidate for this opportunity.
As a recent graduate with a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering from [Your University], I have gained a solid foundation in computer science, software development, and problem-solving. During my academic journey, I have completed projects related to [mention relevant projects], which have allowed me to apply my knowledge in practical scenarios.
Here are some key highlights of my qualifications:
- Proficiency in programming languages such as Java, C++, and Python.
- Strong problem-solving skills and the ability to work well in a team.
- Familiarity with software development methodologies and tools.
- A genuine passion for staying updated with the latest technology trends.
I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your team and grow as a professional in a dynamic and innovative environment. I look forward to the possibility of discussing how my skills and experiences match your needs in more detail.
Thank you for considering my application. I am available at your convenience for an interview, either in person or through a virtual platform. You can reach me at [Your Phone Number] or via email at [Your Email Address].
Once again, thank you for considering my application. I eagerly await the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications and potential contributions to Satyam Software.
Vikash Kumar
[Your Phone Number]
[Your Email Address]
9. You are Ashok a commerce graduate from Punjab University. You are looking for a suitable job. You come across an advertisement in a reputed company. Apply for the above mentioned hob to Box no. 2344, C/O Punjab times, Punjab.
Ashok Kumar
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Your Email Address]
[Today's Date]
Box No. 2344
c/o Punjab Times
Dear Hiring Manager,
I am writing to express my keen interest in the job opportunity advertised in your esteemed publication. As a recent commerce graduate from Punjab University, I am eager to embark on a fulfilling career, and I believe that the position aligns well with my skills and aspirations.
My educational background has equipped me with a strong foundation in commerce, finance, and business management. During my academic journey, I developed a solid understanding of financial analysis, accounting principles, and business operations. Additionally, I honed my analytical and problem-solving abilities, which I believe are crucial in any professional role.
Here are some key highlights of my qualifications:
- Bachelor's Degree in Commerce from Punjab University.
- Strong analytical and quantitative skills.
- Proficiency in Microsoft Office, including Excel and Word.
- Excellent communication and teamwork abilities.
Enclosed is my resume, which provides more detailed information about my educational background, skills, and relevant coursework. I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience and can be reached at [Your Phone Number] or via email at [Your Email Address].
I appreciate your time and consideration of my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing how my qualifications align with the requirements of the position and how I can contribute to the success of your organization.
Thank you for your attention.
Ashok Kumar
[Your Phone Number]
[Your Email Address]
अभी तक हम ने formal letter के format के बारे में जाना उसके format और उसका examples भी देखा।
अब आगे हम informal letter का format और examples को देखे गे।
1. Informal Letter में सिर्फ हम ने अपना address डाला
2. Dear (name) लिखा
3. फिर ये sentence लिखा
I hope this letter finds you well.
4. हाल चाल पूछा
5. Purpose of letter लिखा
6. इसके बाद और अपने अपनी बात को डिटेल में बताया।
7. फिर letter को close करने के लिए
Take care and talk to you soon.
8. उसके बाद अपना name or अपना अभिवादन देने के लिए हम इस्तमाल कर सकते है।
Best wishes,
Warm regards,
Take care
इस के बारे में पहल ही बात कर चुके है।
Informal Letter Example:
Your Name
Your Address
City, State, Zip Code
Email Address
Phone Number
Dear Emma,
I hope this letter finds you well. It's been too long since we caught up! I wanted to share some exciting news—I've just got accepted into my dream college, and I couldn't be happier.
I still remember the great times we had during our high school years, and your support has meant the world to me. I'd love for you to come over for a small celebration this weekend. We can reminisce about the good old days and talk about our plans for the future.
Let me know if Saturday afternoon works for you, or if another time is more convenient. I'll have some snacks and refreshments ready. Can't wait to see you!
Take care and talk to you soon.
Best wishes,
[Your Name]
write personal letter to father for asking college fees
Dear Father,
I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for everything you've done for me and to discuss an important matter regarding my college fees.
As you know, I am pursuing my education at [Name of College/University], and I'm deeply committed to my studies. I believe that the education I'm receiving there is not only academically enriching but also shaping me into a responsible and capable individual.
However, I'm facing some financial challenges in meeting my college fees for the upcoming semester. The costs have been steadily increasing, and despite my part-time job and best efforts to save, I find myself falling short of the required amount. I've explored scholarship options and financial aid, but unfortunately, they don't cover the full amount.
I understand that times can be financially challenging for our family, and I am truly grateful for the support you've provided throughout my academic journey. I wouldn't be where I am today without your sacrifices and encouragement.
With all due respect and sincerity, I kindly request your assistance in covering my college fees for this semester. I assure you that I will continue to work diligently in my studies and part-time job to lessen the financial burden on you as much as possible.
I understand the responsibility that comes with this request, and I promise to make the most of this opportunity and excel in my studies. Your support means the world to me, and I will do everything in my power to make you proud.
Thank you for considering my request, Father. I look forward to discussing this further with you and finding a solution that works best for our family.
With love and respect,
[Your Name]
मुझे आशा हे की आपने ने letter लिखना सिख लिया होगा और बाकि आपके practice पर निर्भर करता हे। जितना आप practice करे गे उतना ही आगे बड़े गे।